Position Summaries

Board of Directors


  • Shall be the chief executive officer of the Association.
  • Shall convene and preside at all meetings of the General Membership of the Association and all meetings of the Board.
  • Shall represent or appoint a representative of the Association to all non-Association meetings and activities where representation is needed.
  • Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Association.
  • Shall appoint the chairperson of all standing committees if the chairperson is not an elected position.
  • Shall be responsible for all Association activities not assigned to others by the Bylaws.
  • Shall secure playing fields for all playing divisions.
  • Shall submit an annual report of Slate of Officers to The Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of State (ANNUAL REPORT - form 26A) before November 1.
  • Shall be required to submit a brief report for each newsletter released by the Association.
  • Shall coordinate and oversee the duties and activities of the Club Administrator if one is in place.
  • Shall appoint a Training Coordinator and a Referee Coordinator. Amended 12-02-2003
  • May appoint a Field Coordinator (recommended) and/or a KidSafe Coordinator (potential).

Vice President

  • Shall convene and preside at any meetings when the President is unable to do so.
  • Shall succeed to the Presidency if, for any reason, that officer shall be unable to fulfill the term of office.
  • Shall be responsible for of coordinating sponsorship activities [ Amended 11-17-2011]
  • Shall be responsible for communications with the membership [ Amended 11-17-2011]
  • Shall be responsible for management of donations received, including communication with and recognition of donors to the Organization [ Added 11-17-2011]
  • Shall be required to submit a brief report for each newsletter released by the Association.
  • May appoint a Newsletter Coordinator (recommended), a Tournament Coordinator (recommended), a Sponsorship Coordinator (potential), Volunteer Coordinator (potential), [ Added 11-17-2011] and/or a Snack Bar Coordinator (potential).


  • Shall be responsible for all financial matters of the Association.
  • Shall keep a true set of records of all financial transactions.
  • Shall on request, make these records available for audit by the Board or a committee appointed by the Board.
  • Shall prepare an annual statement of the financial condition of the Association for presentation at the annual General Membership meeting.
  • Shall submit a proposed budget to the Board for approval prior to each playing season.
  • Shall be required to submit a brief report for each newsletter released by the Association.
  • Shall appoint a Registration Coordinator and a Equipment Coordinator if a Club Administrator is not in place.
  • May appoint a Registration Coordinator and/or a Equipment Coordinator if a Club Administrator is in place.


  • Shall be responsible for keeping and distributing minutes of all meetings of the Association.
  • Shall be responsible for procuring and maintaining all administrative equipment and supplies unless a Club Administrator is in place.
  • Shall be the administrator of the telephone line installed for the use and benefit of the Association unless a Club Administrator is in place.
  • Shall assist in the communications with the membership by monitoring incoming communications and directing them to the proper Board Member, and assist the Board with outgoing communications under the direction of the Vice President. [ Added 11-17-2011]
  • Shall be required to submit a brief report for each newsletter released by the Association.

Instructional Division Director

  • Shall be responsible for recruiting, appointing and supervising all coaches, establishing teams and leagues, setting playing and practice schedules and field maintenance for all Instructional Division teams in accordance with Association rules for play for this division.
  • Shall submit a list of coaches, assistant coaches and managers to the Board for review and approval before the beginning of the fall and spring seasons.
  • Shall provide the Board and the coaches in the Instructional Division a schedule stating where and when each game is to be played.
  • Shall provide Instructional Division coaches with a suggested program of instruction that may be followed when conducting weekly practices.
  • Shall be required to submit a brief report for each newsletter released by the Association.
  • Shall appoint a First Instructional Division Coordinator.
  • May appoint a Second Instructional Division Coordinator (recommended), Pee Wee Division Coordinator (potential), and/or Player Evaluation Coordinator (potential). Amended 12-02-2003

Academy Division Director

    Amended 11-18-2013
  • Shall be responsible for recruiting, appointing and supervising all coaches, establishing teams and leagues, setting playing and practice schedules and field maintenance for all Academy Division teams in accordance with Association rules for play in this division.
  • Shall submit a list of coaches, assistant coaches and managers to the Board for review and approval before the beginning of the fall and spring seasons.
  • Shall provide the Board and the coaches in the Academy Division a schedule stating where and when each game is to be played.
  • Shall provide Academy Division coaches with a suggested program of instruction that may be followed when conducting weekly practices.
  • Shall work with the Referee Coordinator to insure that the need for qualified referees in Academy Division games are met. Amended 12-02-2003
  • Shall be required to submit a brief report for each newsletter released by the Association.
  • Shall appoint a First Academy Division Coordinator.
  • May appoint a Second Academy Division Coordinator (recommended), a Player Placement Coordinator (potential), and/or a Player Evaluation Coordinator (potential). Amended 12-02-2003

Travel Division Director

  • Shall oversee the Girls and Boys Travel Divisions.
  • Shall be responsible for recruiting, appointing and supervising all coaches for teams playing in the Travel Division.
  • Shall be responsible for insuring the quality of the teams in the Travel Division and in the correct placement of those teams in non-Association leagues, setting playing and practice schedules and field maintenance for all Travel Division teams in accordance with the Association rules for play in this division.
  • Shall submit a list of coaches, assistant coaches and managers to the Board for review and approval before the beginning of the fall and spring seasons.
  • Shall provide the Board and the coaches of teams in the Travel Division a schedule stating where and when each game is to be played.
  • Shall provide Travel Division coaches with a suggested program of instruction that may be followed when conducting weekly practices.
  • Shall work with the Referee Coordinator to insure that the need for qualified referees in Travel Division games are met. Amended 12-02-2003
  • Shall be required to submit a brief report for each newsletter released by the Association.
  • Shall appoint a Girls Travel Division Coordinator and Boys Travel Division Coordinator.
  • May appoint a Non-Association League Coordinator (potential), a Player Placement Coordinator (potential), and/or a Player Evaluation Coordinator. Amended 12-02-2003

Franklin Soccer Club (FSC) Director

  • Shall oversee the FSC Program.
  • Shall work with the Board to select appropriate team coaches FSC teams.
  • Shall be responsible for coordinating with team coaches on all FSC coaching matters, team selection notifications, Team Manager selections, FSC annual calendar planning, team tournament selections, and FSC philosophy.
  • Shall coordinate the team league selection and placements.
  • Shall be responsible for coordinating all matters of the FSC tryouts.
  • Shall be responsible for the coordination and collection of all FSC player fees.
  • Shall be responsible for the decision of any FSC Player Scholarships or Payment Plans along with the President and Treasurer.
  • Shall submit a brief report for each FYSA Board Meeting on any FSC updates along with team coaches.
  • Shall send periodic updates to FSC team parents as needed.
  • Shall present FSC update at Annual General Membership meeting.
  • Shall coordinate with FYSA Club Administrators on all team roster registrations, player pass cards with appropriate each teams league and field allocation for the respective leagues that FSC plays in.
  • Shall manage the online content for the FSC program.
  • Shall coordinate the field assignments for practice and games for the FSC program.

Mandatory Appointments

Certain coordinator positions are deemed mandatory to help insure that individual Directors are not overwhelmed by the duties of day-to-day administration of the Association. These coordinators are expected to work closely with the Director that makes the appointment.

Training Coordinator

  • Shall be appointed by the President.
  • Shall be responsible for training and evaluation of all coaches and referees.
  • Shall assess the training needs of the Association and, with the Division Directors, establish an evolving plan to meet those needs.
  • Shall be responsible for advising coaches and monitoring coaching expertise throughout the Association. Amended 12-02-2003
  • Shall maintain a library of training materials.
  • Shall be responsible for establishing clinics in First Aid and Coaching. Amended 12-02-2003
  • Shall make available a licensure coaches clinic at least once a year.
  • Shall coordinate formal instructional programs for players, including summer camp programs offered by external organizations.
  • Shall actively participate in any disciplinary action against or removal of a coach in the Association. Amended 12-02-2003

Referee Coordinator

Amended 12-02-2003

  • Shall be appointed by the President.
  • Shall consider the recruitment and development of referees in the Association.
  • Shall coordinate the assignment and scheduling of referees in support of all playing divisions.
  • Shall work with the Academy and Travel Division Directors to insure that the specific needs for referees of those playing divisions are met.
  • Shall be responsible for recruiting and supervising any referees necessary for leagues formed by the Association and for games where the Association must provide the referees.
  • Shall actively participate in any disciplinary action against or removal of a referee in the Association.

Registration Coordinator

NOTE: This appointment is mandatory only if a Club Administrator is not in place to perform these duties. Otherwise, this is a recommended appointment.

  • Shall be appointed by the Treasurer.
  • Shall be responsible for conducting registrations in accordance with the Association rules.
  • Shall maintain a current list of Association members.
  • Shall be responsible for all records and registration activities and procedures with the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association (MYSA).
  • Shall be required to submit a brief report for each newsletter released by the Association.

Equipment Coordinator

NOTE: This appointment is mandatory only if a Club Administrator is not in place to perform these duties. Otherwise, this is a recommended appointment.

  • Shall be appointed by the Treasurer.
  • Shall be responsible for all inventory, maintenance, purchasing, and replacement of all equipment, including league uniforms.
  • Shall be responsible for all league and memorial trophies, and their coordination.
  • Shall be required to submit a brief report for each newsletter released by the Association.

First Instructional Division Coordinator

  • Shall be appointed by the Instructional Division Director.
  • Shall be involved in the day-to-day administration of the Instructional Division as instructed by the Instructional Division Director.

First Academy Division Coordinator

  • Shall be appointed by the Academy Division Director.
  • Shall be involved in the day-to-day administration of the Academy Division as instructed by the Academy Division Director.

Girls Travel Division Coordinator

  • Shall be appointed by the Travel Division Director.
  • Shall be involved in the day-to-day administration of the Girls Travel Division as instructed by the Travel Division Director.

Boys Travel Division Coordinator

  • Shall be appointed by the Travel Division Director.
  • Shall be involved in the day-to-day administration of the Boys Travel Division as instructed by the Travel Division Director.

Recommended Appointments

Certain coordinator positions are given as guidance to Directors with regard to how certain tasks may be delegated to additional volunteers. The following coordinators are termed "recommended" because the work associated with the listed positions is believed to be significant. Depending on the skills, interests, and availability of the particular Director, that individual may choose not to make such appointments.

Field Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the President.
  • Shall coordinate the securing of playing fields for all divisions in the Association, interacting with town officials, school officials, and representatives of other youth sports programs, as appropriate.

Registration Coordinator

  • See Mandatory Appointments

Equipment Coordinator

  • See Mandatory Appointments

Newsletter Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the Vice President
  • Shall coordinate the production of newsletters to be issued to the membership of the Association.

Tournaments Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the Vice President.
  • Shall administer the Association's overall participation in tournaments.
  • Shall seek detailed information about any tournaments available for participation by any teams in the Association.
  • Shall make information and recommendations available to the Division Directors for any appropriate tournament.
  • Shall coordinate with the Treasurer and coaches all financial matters concerning tournaments in accordance with the Association rules.
  • Shall distribute Association patches.
  • Shall be responsible for coordinating any tournament held in Franklin and sponsored by the Association.

Second Instructional Division Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the Instructional Division Director.
  • Shall support the day-to-day administration of the Instructional Division as instructed by the Instructional Division Director.

Second Academy Division Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the Academy Division Director.
  • Shall support in the day-to-day administration of the Academy Division as instructed by the Academy Division Director.

Potential Appointments

Certain coordinator positions are given as guidance to Directors with regard to how certain tasks may be delegated to additional volunteers. The following coordinators are termed "potential" because the work associated with the listed positions is believed to be relatively small or something to consider in the future. Depending on the skills, interests, and availability of the particular Director, that individual may choose not to make such appointments.

KidSafe Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the President.
  • Shall coordinate the distribution and collection of KidSafe forms following the guidelines presented by the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association.

Legal Counsel

  • May be appointed by the President.
  • Shall aid on the Association's behalf with the interpretation of documents and guidance when necessary.

Liaison to the Baseball/Football Program

  • May be appointed by the President.
  • Shall serve as a liaison between the Association and Franklin's baseball/football program. This will serve in alleviating any conflicts of fields, events, functions and help establish better communication between both programs.

Sponsorship Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the Vice President.
  • Shall coordinate the identification and contacting of potential sponsors for the Association.

Snack Bar Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the Vice President.
  • Shall coordinate the recruitment and assignment of volunteers to staff the snack bar(s) managed by the Association.
  • Shall account for the income and expenses related to the sale of concessions.
  • Shall coordinate the inventory of goods with the snack bar(s).

Pee Wee Division Coordinator

Amended 01-07-2003

  • May be appointed by the Instructional Division Director.
  • Shall coordinate the Pee Wee Division which may be formed for 4-year-old players.

Player Evaluation Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the Instructional, Academy, or Travel Division Director, one for each program or one for all programs.
  • Shall coordinate the collection of player evaluation data from coaches in the division.

Player Placement Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the Academy or Travel Division Director.
  • Shall coordinate the scheduling of skill sessions for the division, if skill sessions are to be used to collect information about players for placement on teams.

Non-Association League Coordinator

  • May be appointed by the Travel Division Director.
  • Shall coordinate with any league in which Travel Division teams are placed.

Volunteer Coordinator [Added 11-17-2011]

  • May be appointed by the Vice President.
  • Shall assist the organization in recruitment of and communication with the Association's volunteers (excluding members of the Board and coaches)

Compensated Appointments

Club Administrator

  • Shall be hired as a contract employee of the Association, chosen by the Board, and report to the President.
  • Shall serve as the Registration Coordinator and Equipment Coordinator as defined under Mandatory Appointments.
  • Shall manage the Association database of players, coaches, referees and other volunteers, keeping the database up to date.
  • Shall provide timely information to volunteers within the Association as directed by the Board.
  • Shall staff the office of the Association, if one is secured.
  • Shall support the duties of all Board members as coordinated by the President.
  • Shall maintain the Association’s telephone system, insuring that recorded bulletins are updated and incoming calls are answered in a timely way.