Latest Approved Revision 9.1, December 4, 2001
The original intent of this booklet printed in 1984 was to keep all Franklin Youth Soccer Association (the Association) members informed regarding the organization of the program. At that time, one copy was made available to each family that was a member of the organization. Due to updating and changes to this booklet year to year, distributing and printing hundreds of copies would become quite costly. Therefore, it would seem practical to have complete and updated copies available to all board members and access to any member of the Association upon request.
You are encouraged to be active in the Association in its many capacities; as a coach, assistant coach, committee member, volunteer in any one of the many Association special functions, or as a member of the Board of Directors. This is a volunteer youth organization, and like any volunteer organization, it cannot succeed without your active participation and help. Please get involved. It is for the kids, and we need your help and support.
Thank you.
2000 Board of Directors
Organization of the Booklet
Contained in this document is:
- The Association's Constitution, Bylaws and Board of Directors position descriptions. These descriptions can only be modified at a meeting of the General Membership.
- A listing of the laws of soccer modified for the Association.
- A description of the responsibilities of coaches, parents and spectators in the Association with respect to registration, team selection and overall participation.
- A description of the different team divisions for the varied age groups including the intown leagues and the travel program.
- A listing of all awards, trophies and scholarships supported by the Association.