In-House Division
This division has been formed to provide an opportunity for all children between the ages of 8 and 12 to learn and play the game of soccer. It is the division that all children registering for soccer are encouraged to play and that the Association guarantees a place to play.
- The In-House Division will be organized for both the spring and the fall seasons.
- In the spring season, the child must be eight (8), but not twelve (12) by August 31 of the previous calendar year.
- In the fall season, the child must be eight (8), but not twelve (12) by August 31 of the current calendar year.
- In-House team selections will be coordinated by the Division Director with the goal to evenly balance all teams.
- If possible, all prospective coaches will participate in the selection process.
- Prior to the start of each season a skill session shall be held in order for coaches to evaluate players in the division. Teams will be selected such that equal ability amongst teams is established. This selection process will be done so that no child is embarrassed and they should not know in what order they were selected.
- After all teams have been selected and under the supervision of the Division Director, trades may be made between coaches to take care of such things as siblings being on the same team.
- The Division Director will have the authority to mandate roster changes up to and including the third week of the season, but only for the purpose of balancing the teams, i.e., one team is stronger than the rest of the teams.
- Roster sizes shall be limited to twelve players to help insure that children can play a half of each game in a 6-versus-6 league.
- Roster sizes will be determined by the Division Director according to age distribution after each registration period. Names can be added to the roster up to and including the third game of the season. Any addition to In-House rosters after the third game of the season will be decided by the Board at the In-House Division Director's request.
- Every child is entitled to play at least one half of the game unless individual conduct justifies less time.
- When registration numbers permit, two divisions (junior and senior) will be formed. These age divisions can be adjusted to accommodate the registration mix, thus are only approximations.
- Junior - Eight years to ten years of age.
- Senior - Ten years to twelve years of age.
- In the fall, In-House Division teams shall be eligible for any of the several In-House league tournaments held by the towns in the area.
- Full uniforms including shirts, shorts and socks will be used with six inch numbers on the back of the shirt. The cost of the uniform will be the responsibility of the parents and will not be included in the registration fee. The proper uniform will be purchased through the Association for first-time In-House players and the uniform can be used for multiple seasons.
- In addition to normal Senior division, Cup playoffs will be scheduled at the end of each season.
- In each of the two seasons, there will be at least two winners declared for each age group.
- Division League Champions
- FYSA In-House Cup Champions
- Player Evaluation. All coaches will be expected to evaluate players at the end of each season. This is to be used for Travel Division team recommendations and future placement.
- All coaches are encouraged to view a game of each team in their league other than the one that they played against that team. This is for the purpose of helping to evaluate players other than their own.
- The In-House Division Director shall maintain a list of the top 10 children in their divisions at the following age levels: U-10, U-12 and U-14. This is for the purpose of movement to a Travel Division team should that be necessary. This list should be the result of the composite recommendations of all coaches and should not include any child that has expressed a desire not to take part in the selection program.