Pee Wee Division

Amended 01-07-2003

This division is for four-year-olds (not yet 5-years-old as of the preceding August 31) as an introduction to soccer. The intent is to provide a safe and fun environment in which children can explore the game without formal training and with minimal adult intervention. The registration fee for this division is set at $20 per player.


The philosophy of the Pee Wee program includes the following basic elements:

  • The game is the teacher.

    Players will learn to play all on their own. By design, no formal coaching will be offered; in fact, it is discouraged.
  • The game is for kids.

    This program is offered to let children play and they do not need adults to do that. Adult involvement will be minimal and will focus on safety -- keeping the players from wandering into the street, consoling players who might need it on occasion, policing overly-aggressive behavior, etc.
  • The structure is informal.

    Beyond setting up some goals, laying out some cones, and handing out practice jerseys, no formal organization will be done. No teams shall be formed in advance; they shall be created each session as children arrive.


Upon arriving each week, players should check in at the registration table to record their attendance.Players will be given a colored practice jersey and be placed on a team of three players. As soon as two teams are formed, play between those two teams will begin. Teams will be added as players arrive and all players will be active for sixty minutes.

No planned periods of play are defined. If the players decide that a water break is necessary, it should be taken. The break times should be kept short (1-2 minutes, at most). There are no strict requirements on attire. Shinpads are strongly recommended, cleats are optional, shorts and a t-shirt are highly recommended.